John Milton once said, "Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." Milton's perceptive quote rings so true in my own heart, as each day, I sense more and more, the presence of gratitude.
Next week I'll be flying out to beautiful San Francisco to debut a couple short films I made, Serenity Prayer & The Price of Life, both of which were accepted by The Reel Recovery Film Festival, and both of which will premiere on opening night.
I can't help but feel grateful with my collegues who helped bring these stories of redemption to life. I'm very grateful for the opportunity I've had to create content that means something good and right. Each short, tells a powerful story of life through redemption, and the unity that comes with it. One residual quality I love about redemption, is the spirit of gratitude. When one realizes the scope of redemption, one cannot help but feel the rush of thankfulness. In short the redeemed are thankful.
Happy Easter and share the thanks!