Agency: Bravebird
Production Company: Bravebird
Written and Directed by Alex Miranda Cruz
Madison’s local utility company, MGE, partnered with me to craft and tell this compelling true story. Production started in April and ended in May. The video was released on September 20th with record setting results for MGE.
In addition to directing the video, I also designed their website, and the landing page for this video video,
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On a quiet plot of land in Madison, WI, you will find a gardening couple like no other. For over two decades now, Mee Thao and Chuechoular Moua from Laos, have lovingly and carefully worked together to garden their organic farm. This is their inspiring true story of survival, hope, love, and their undeniable passion for organic sustainable farming. Learn more about the Mouas true story by visiting:
Agency: Bravebird
Production Company: Bravebird and Kingdom Film Works
Written and Directed by Alex Miranda Cruz
Musicnotes partnered with me for their 20th anniversary celebration. The goal of this video is to show how Musicnotes has quietly but consistently been behind the scenes–helping musicians do what they love most, playing music. I spent several months developing the concept with Musicnotes before filming everything in late June. The video was released globally on Labor Day.
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Let Your Passion Play On The dream. The journey. The triumph. If you've been here, you can identify. If you're still on your musical journey, this story is the reminder that You Can Play. ♪ Share the Passion:
You’re Not Alone shares the compelling and authentic voices of parents and young adults who are wrestling with mental health, substance abuse, and drug addiction, and the hope found through Sandstone Care’s holistic and professional approach as compassionately shared through the ever wise Executive Clinical Director, Dianna Sandoval. My goal was to create an authentic experience by directly hearing from the voices on the front lines of mental health, substance abuse, and drug addiction. What you will experience is a powerful, heartfelt, and sobering visual that delivers hope by reminding viewers that we are all on a journey. Whatever we are going through, we are not alone!
This is the trailer to my first short film, Fantasy in D Minor, an impressionistic film that explores love, death, and the eternal. It took me two years to make this film but so worth it!
For more on Fantasy in D Minor visit:
This film documents the trials that founder Mike Duffy of "New Legacy" in Lexington Kentucky, experienced while growing up in a broken home and the hope that he found in crafting a new legacy.
With the branding success of the first video, OneLogin partnered with me once again to make their second video, this time a video on the ever growing epidemic of SaaS apps in the modern workplace. Our goal was to show how OneLogin can harness SaaS apps for greater business integrity and efficiency.
Directed by Daniel Kinney
Produced by Jenna Wilcox & Alex Miranda Cruz
Octopi brewing is the leading contract brewery in the Midwest, combining excellence with modern technology, and masterful designs in both appearance and flavor. Founder Isaac Showaki, shares his innovative approach and vision that is evolving the contract brewing industry. Octopi’s motto, “Brewing your beer. Propelling your brand.”
In this stylized short documentary, I wanted to show the powerful recovery journey of a former guest from multiple perspectives. At a deeper level, I wanted to convey that our decisions affect not only ourselves but so many others around us. I also wanted to show that healthy relationships are key to a successful recovery and all we have to do is surrender to them.
IAM at the speed of business.
Onelogin is a cloud-based Single Sign-On, identity management company based in San Francisco, CA. They have an awesome product, however, my team and I quickly discovered it was a complex one. So I set out to create a visual story that could easily break down the complexities while reaching an advanced targeted audience (IT professionals). Also, to save on production cost, I pitched that we film it in Madison, WI. At first, I received some valid reservations (since it was winter, and Madison is a small city). However, I was confident we had both the talent and location (a public library) right here where I live in Madison, WI. In the end, many of my own friends thought I filmed it in San Francisco, and the client was ecstatic with the final results. Since then, the video has received great organic traction helping position Onelogin as a top competitor in the SSO, identity management industry.
The inspiration for this video is from the Hawaiian philosophy of Kuleana. In creative development I spent a lot of time researching what Kuleana meant. Western philosophy defines Kuleana as, “one’s responsibility.” However, Hawaiian philosophy goes deeper than the western view. I liken Kuleana to music. For me, music is undefinable, and is spiritual, a phenomenon, a pure truth. Kuleana is very similar in that sense, so I set out to make the spine for this video (and videos to follow) to be rooted in the Hawaiian spirit of Kuleana. I set out to do this by portraying the many depths of Kuleana through the people (you’ll see in this video) living it every day. My goal is for you to experience the spirit of Kuleana individually, but also communally as seen through people, organizations and businesses. I want you to feel that it’s not only our responsibility to care for this precious land, but it’s also our Aloha, our joy. And I want you to see this Kuleana modeled through Skyline Eco-Adventures leadership and mission.
In this film, I wanted to illustrate the story of one man who comes to terms with his life to the backdrop of one of the world's most quoted prayer's so he may be “reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy in the next.” I wanted to emphasize "reasonably happy" because the reality isn’t always happy, it’s filled with growing pains along the way, but the future is filled with hope and it begins with today.
This animation was created around a, a website we built to count the cost of addiction. This was all about bringing perspective to the realities of addiction and how much it costs, not just financially.