The inspiration for this video is from the Hawaiian philosophy of Kuleana. In creative development I spent a lot of time researching what Kuleana meant. Western philosophy defines Kuleana as, “one’s responsibility.” However, Hawaiian philosophy goes deeper than the western view. I liken Kuleana to music. For me, music is undefinable, and is spiritual, a phenomenon, a pure truth. Kuleana is very similar in that sense, so I set out to make the spine for this video (and videos to follow) to be rooted in the Hawaiian spirit of Kuleana. I set out to do this by portraying the many depths of Kuleana through the people (you’ll see in this video) living it every day. My goal is for you to experience the spirit of Kuleana individually, but also communally as seen through people, organizations and businesses. I want you to feel that it’s not only our responsibility to care for this precious land, but it’s also our Aloha, our joy. And I want you to see this Kuleana modeled through Skyline Eco-Adventures leadership and mission.